Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Ghost

By Eric E.

Once upon a time, there was a ghost who lived in Maine. He came down the east coast. He came to Delaware.

That same night, a boy was walking along the beach. Well, he saw that ghost and he ran. The ghost was howling something the boy couldn't hear. Then he made a "YO" sound. The ghost kept howling.

The ghost had ugly teeth, the boy thought. Then he made out a "gim" and "a".

The boy came to a house. He was trapped. He made out "thbrus". The boy made out the sentence. It was "Yo, gimme a toothbrush. O.K.?" So he did. Now they're best buddies.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bonus: John R. Downes School Song

John R Downes!
The greatest school around!
It's so very extraordinary
John R Downes!

We're sharks of good vibration!
We swim for an education!
With blue and white
Our colors bright
John R. Downes!

Gooooooooooooo Downes!

The Weirdo and the Brain

By Eric E.

Hello, I'm Slitpom Snogginy. My bro, Weirdo, is so obnoxious. He can do anything he wants. He runs around pretending Moon Men are here. He also screams his head off if he can't find Dad ub six seconds. He thinks he is all smart. He doesn't know 50 + 50! But without him, I couldn't beat up anyone. He is fun sometimes.

The Brain, Slitpom, - that's not true! He runs around saying, "Googleplexes are here." He thinks he's all special because he's in third grade. Well, if I didn't have hm, I couldn't play NES.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blogging The President's Speech

For Social Studies I have to watch the president's speech and write a blog about it.

8:05 a black man is shaking hands
8:10 who is this lady? i like how many people there are.
8:11 the american flag has 50 stars for the 50 states
8:12 this isn't george bush right? or am I craaaaazy??
8:15 the guy with white hair is wearing a purple tie, but it might be blue... hard to tell... will know later
8:16 isn't george bush supposed to be the president?
8:17 yeah, why do we have to move?
8:20 clapping
8:21 where's george bush?
8:22 taxpapers
8:24 clapping
8:25 my dad's job is glassblower
8:26 half-clap. "Where's George Bush?" asked the audience. "Sounds like a job for Encyclopedia Eric," the man says!
8:27 plublex - a color that is half purple and half blue. example: the man has a plublex tie on
8:28 george bush might be sick and this is his friend
8:29 beep bloop bleep blex
8:30 I think george bush is in the audience hiding like waldo
8:31 30000000000000000
8:33 eating cherios
8:34 out of ten nintendos, this is six nintendos
8:35 I think I saw George Bush!
8:36 clap clap clap
8:37 safety
8:37 just make energy take a bath!!!
8:39 I'm bored
8:42 I'm going to be president when I'm 30! jazz will be my vice president
8:43 safety
8:44 george bush is the president! you lie!
8:45 childhood obesity hahahahaha what is that?
8:47 am I watching the right channel?
8:50 1000000005 claps
8:53 i've never broken a bone
8:55 blogging from a fort now
8:56 if I was president, i'd make school into a nintendo game, so it was fun
9:04 now i am very bored and drawing
9:05 i do not know who this guy is!
9:07 safety
9:08 safety
9:11 this is probably dan quail
9:12 for idiots, dan quail is the vice president
9:14 that's our bathroom wall paper!!
9:16 "A whole new world," sang Aladdin
9:17 Mark is being silly right now
9:18 he broke my fort!
9:19 I-yie-yie, when is this going to be over?!
9:20 dan quail is talking about the constitution
9:23 safety
9:24 remember when george bush threw up in nippon?
9:24 the end

Dan Quail spoke today, probably because the president was sick. He was really, really boring. There was a lot of clapping.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ms. Pickle, Part 2

By Eric E.

While Stove was charging Ms. Pickle, she remembered she had a spoon. She touched it and became... Stove Buster!

But Stove became a leftover and ran to the refrigerator and became old. AHHHH! He became a green glob! He grew an eye or six too!

Ms. Pickle ran to the store and bought a box. She ran back and threw the box in his mouth. Gurgle! Gurgle! Urp!

What was in this box? It was an open box of baking soda.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ms. Pickle

By Eric E.

Once there was a pickle that wanted to take a shower. So she took off her dressing and got in. But the shower wouldn't work. So she went to her neighbor's house, Tomato.

"Hi, Mr. Tomato," she said. His house's wall was green with pictures of him when he was just a wee seed.

Tomato said, "Okey, dokey." So Pickle went in. She got cozy and turned on the shower. Pepper came out.

"Ahhhhhh!" screamed Pickle. She ran outside jsut in time to see Tomato rip off his skin! It was really Stove in disguise! Fork, Stove's pet, was with him.

Stove was running toward Pickle. "I'm gonna roast you up," he said grinning.

To be continued....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ten Easy Hiccup Cures

By Eric E.

"Hello." I'm Professor Everkong and (Hic) I have the hiccups (Hic). Here are ten cures for (Hic) them:

1) Drop fifty tons of jello on your head.

2) Eat liver, onion, spinach, asparagus, and sauerkraut.

3) Juggle six raw eggs while balancing a pear on your head.

4) Armwrestle a squid with mustard.

5) Suck in your stomach and eat dead octopus. Yum!

6) Jump off the Empire State Building and at the bottom eat relish.

7) Kiss your five year old brother. Ugh!

8) Murder yourself.

9) Do seventeen bellyflops off a fifty foot diving board.

10) Stand on one foot, while drinking Hi-C with cotton in the left ear, both arms raised and tape on your stomach on Mt. Everest.

There, my hiccups are gone. Bye! (Hic) Oh well.

Bonus: Kindergarten Thursday Story

I was a brilliant writer even when I was a little kid in John R. Downes kindergarten! Here is a story I wrote for Mrs. Schwartz on Thursday writing day.

by Eric E.


O no! Weres G?

The End.

Encyclopedia Eric #2

By Eric E.

One day, Chief Kenny came home. He didn't touch his pizza. Eric knew that what meant.

"Yesterday, a zoo was robbed," he said. Kenny took out his notepad.

There were six dudes in the park: Jakup, Paul, Fentin, Alexander, Harry, and Farley. Jakup claims he was watching a gorilla swim. Paul was watching a tortoise swim. Fentin was watching a pig that looked up at him. Jakup said he saw Alexander near the cash register. Alex is suspect #1.

Harry was watching the ox, and Farley was gleaming at the beavers, his favorite animal. The zookeeper, Mr. Sloshbukit, didn't see anyone come in. So who robbed the zoo?

"Easy," said Eric, "the thief was -"

Who was the thief?

Jakup and Fentin were thieves. Jakup said he was watching a gorilla swim. Gorillas can't swim. Pigs can't look up either!

Friday, January 22, 2010


by Eric E.

Once upon a time, there was a bad king named Pazel. One day, when he was counting his money, Zolt, the God of Air, came down. Pazel sent his men out to catch Zolt. They caught him and brought him back. Then he sent Glaxom, his messenger, to give the gods a ransom note.

To be continued...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pazel, Part Two

by Eric E.

When Glaxom gave the gods the note, they were furious. But Zolt was their favorite God. So, the gods took away Noltlozz's (God of Water) privilege of being God of Water. They gave Pazel the gift of being God of Water like it said in the note. Well, now that Pazel was God of Water, he bragged too much.

One day, Oivle, the octopus, stood up to Pazel since he was torturing his family. Oivle and Pazel had a fight. Pazel turned into a squid. Oivle hit Pazel into the sky. Whap!

That's why there is a squid in the sky named Pazel.

The Dream

by Eric E.

One day, I was walking down the street when I started to get orange. I heard about getting the blues, but this was ridiculous! I started getting short and round. I was a basketball!

Roll'in! Roll'in! Roll'in. That's what I did. Right towards a fire!

AHHH! It was just a bad dream.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Clam

by Eric E.

Once there was a brilliant kid named Eric. He was fed up with school! It was too easy. His dad didn't like glass blowing. "Too many customers," he complained.

One day, while they were walking, Eric, the genius, saw a clam. "Clams have two big muscles and one foot. They move by squirting water through their neck. It is eaten by starfish, birds and clamworms," Eric informed his dad. He picked the clam out of the road before he got squished.

"You must like clams," said the clam.

"I just didn't want you to get smushed. Clams blood is black except..."

"Gag me, why don't ya!" hissed the clam. "My name is Suocwor."

"You look good to eat," Eric's dad said, gleaming.

"If you put me back in the lake, I'll give you a wish," he said. So Dad, the fool, threw the clam in the lake thinking he'd get a wish.

"Ha Ha," laughed the clam. They caught the clam the next night. They had clam chowder that night.

I Want to Grow Up

by Eric E.

If I could change something, it would be my age. I'd like to be twenty and a quarter years old. That way, Dad can't tell me this is this and that is that. And I'll marry someone nice and have a baby! Babies are awesome. And I'll learn neat stuff for my job. I'll play Nintendo and party with dorm mates. (sigh). I gotta wait. Plus I'll be in college. That would be fun.

Encyclopedia Eric #1

by Eric E.

One day, when Kenny Everingham* came home, he didn't touch his pizza. Eric knew what that meant. "What's wrong?" asked Jazz**.

""Two days ago, two guys, Al and Zachary, were in a hot air balloon. Zachary fell out and was injured," Al said. "This is how it happened.""

"Zachary and I went in a hot air balloon. A careless pilot hit our balloon and Zachary fell out." Ken put away his notebook.

"Later," Kenny continued, "Al telephoned us. But Zach was carrying 20 hundred dollars. It was gone when we found him."

"Who took the money," asked Kenny.

"How hot was it," asked Eric.

"Forty-six degrees," replied Kenny.

"Well then Al lied. He never went in the balloon," Eric said.


"In a hot air balloon, you need very hot air to rise it. So air around Al would have been hot, not forty-six degrees." Al admitted it and Zachary got his money.

*the author's dad
**the author's dog

Little Red Riding Hunk

By Eric E.

One day, Little Red Riding Hunk went walking down the street. She had just escaped from jail. So she walked down the street until she came to the three Rapmasters' house. The Rapmasters went shopping while their pizza warmed up. So Red went into the house and said, "I think I'll eat some pizza." So she went in.

"This pizza's too hot! This pizza is nuclear waste. But, this is just right."

After the pizza, she went for the T.V. They had Home Alone 2 so she watched it. Then she slept on the water bed. The Rapmasters came home and found her. They said,

"Come on little girl get outta here now.

You better chow

We'll phone the police

and they won't release yoouu!"

So the called the police and they came. Red was in court and got twenty years in the slammer.

Case closed!